Landlords – your electrical safety obligations
Electrical Safety First has found that landlords are exposing themselves to significant financial risks, from fines and invalidated insurance, through not acting on their electrical safety obligations.
Landlords are also putting millions of UK private tenants at risk of serious accident or fire. We have clarified your obligations for electrical safety in rental properties and provide a range of resources to help you keep your tenants safe.
Your responsibilities as a landlord
Landlords are required by law to ensure:
- That the electrical installation in a rented property is safe when tenants move in and maintained in a safe condition throughout its duration.
- That a House in Multiple Occupation (HMO) has a periodic inspection carried out on the property every five years.
If your property is not an HMO, you are not legally obliged to do this. However, we recommend that a periodic inspection and test is carried out by a registered electrician on your rental properties at least every five years.
- That any appliance provided is safe and has at least the CE marking (which is the manufacturer’s claim that it meets all the requirements of European law).
To meet these requirements a landlord will need to regularly carry out basic safety checks to ensure that the electrical installation and appliances are safe and working.

Gilbert Electrical & Security - Powering & Protecting East Anglia
Gilbert Electrical & Security are always delighted to hear from our customers so whatever your enquiry might be get in touch today!
Gilbert Electrical Services
Our electrical services are second to none are available to customers throughout the East Anglia region so get in touch today!
Domestic Electrical Services
The Gilbert Electrical & Security team of domestic electrical experts operate from our HQ in Lowestoft, Suffolk are on call throughout East Anglia to deal with any and all electrical requirements you may have for your home.
Periodic Testing & Inspection Certification
Periodic inspection and testing is necessary because all electrical installations deteriorate due to a number of factors, such as damage and wear, corrosion and ageing.
Commercial Electrical Services
Gilbert Electrical & Security offer our business customers a full range of commercial electrical services. Our commercial electrical team have built a well deserved reputation for excellence throughout the East Anglia region.
Electrical Design
From Layout of your premises or home, on paper or cad drawings, Gilbert Electrical & Security will meet with you and design all your lighting and power requirements.
Landlord Electrical Services
Periodic inspection and testing is necessary because all electrical installations deteriorate due to a number of factors, such as damage and wear, corrosion and ageing, excessive electrical loading and other environmental influences.
Portable Appliance Testing (PAT)
Gilbert Electrical & Security deliver comprehensive and cost effective Portable Appliance Testing solutions throughout the East Anglia region to help you and your business to comply with Electricity at Work regulations.
Ventilation Systems
Gilbert Electrical & Security Ltd work with leading manufacturers to offer a complete ventilation system to our customers in Lowestoft, Suffolk, Norfolk and the whole of East Anglia.